
Alliston Woods is a collection of detached homes and freehold towns in the charming town of Fort Erie – in the Niagara Region.

Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement

The Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re in the marine industry, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, you might have heard of the Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement (ITBCA). This agreement is the result of negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) and covers the working conditions and compensation of the employees of Island Tug and Barge Ltd. (ITB).

What Is Island Tug and Barge Ltd.?

ITB is a Canadian marine transportation company that provides tug and barge services for the forestry, mining, and construction industries in British Columbia, Canada. The company has been in operation for over 60 years and has a fleet of 24 tugs and 39 barges.

What Is the Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement?

The ITBCA is a collective agreement between ILWU Local 400 and the BCMEA that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of ITB. The agreement covers issues such as wages, benefits, working hours, and health and safety.

The latest ITBCA was signed in 2018 and is valid until 2023. Under the agreement, ITB employees are entitled to a competitive wage package, a pension plan, health and dental benefits, and a safe working environment.

Why Is the Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement Important?

The ITBCA is essential in ensuring that ITB employees are treated fairly and are compensated appropriately for their work. It also provides stability for the company, as it sets out clear guidelines for employee compensation and working conditions.

In addition, the ITBCA is a significant agreement in the marine industry. It shows that employers and unions can work together to create a fair and equitable working environment for employees.


The Island Tug and Barge Collective Agreement is an important agreement in the marine industry. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment for the employees of ITB and ensures that they are treated fairly and compensated appropriately for their work. The ITBCA is also significant in demonstrating that employers and unions can work together to create a positive working environment.



